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Safety First in Vehicles: Buckle Up, Phone Down

By the Kansas Department of Transportation KANSAS — Put safety first when getting into a vehicle and participate in Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) Day, recognized across the country on Oct. 30. The Kansas Department of Transportation and the...

Certified Ag Dealers and Fox Factory Vehicles launch first ever AGwagon

Certified Ag Dealership has launched the first purpose-built truck for farmers and ranchers. CEO Pat Driscoll says it was designed by farmers with their needs in mind. “One of the very first things that our fourteen farmers and ranchers said is that they needed...

Flex fuel vehicles here to stay, RFA says

A leader with the Renewable Fuels Association says he has an optimistic outlook for flex fuel vehicles. Robert White, senior vice president of industry relations and market development, says California has helped lead that charge. “There’s been a huge boom in E85 expansion in...

Safety First in Vehicles: Buckle Up, Phone Down

By Kansas Department of Transportation KANSAS — Put safety first when getting into a vehicle and participate in Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) Day, recognized across the country on Oct. 25. The Kansas Department of Transportation and the Drive...