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Hutch Rec’s Board of Commissioners Accepting Applications for Board Appointments

HUTCHINSON, Kan. – The Hutch Rec Board of Commissioners is currently accepting applications for two appointments to the Hutchinson Recreation Commission board. Each 4-year term is from September 2023 through August 2027.Applicants must complete, sign, and return applications to the Hutch Rec Downtown Office...

McPherson County Commissioners Approve Grant Support

MCPHERSON, Kan. – Monday, McPherson County Commissioners approved a letter of support for a Planning and Demonstration Grant through the US Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program....

Reno County Commissioners Vote to Move Forward with Courthouse Renovations

HUTCHINSON, Kan. – Reno County Commissioners Tuesday on a 3-2 vote agreed to proceed with the long-discussed remodeling project at the Reno County Courthouse. The decision comes with changes from a proposal that had been recommended earlier.Deleted from the plans to save on expenses...