Ad Astra Radio Family Brands

Convoy of Hope Brings Help to Families in Need on July 29th

HUTCHINSON, Kan. – Several Hutchinson churches are partnering to sponsor Convoy of Hope’s free drive-thru event on Saturday, July 29th, at 9 a.m. on the Kansas State Fairgrounds. The mission is to bring help and hope to families in need.Rain or shine, Convoy of...

Salvation Army’s Donut Day Contest a Success, Brings in Almost $7k

HUTCHINSON, Kan. – In celebration of National Donut Day Friday, the Hutchinson Salvation Army held a donut eating contest at their Thrift Store at B and Main Friday Morning. The event raised $6,555.By consuming 11 ¼ donuts in five minutes, Jared Heinen from Prairieland...

Match Challenge Brings Nearly $100K to Lindsborg Museum

LINDSBORG, Kan. – The numbers have been tabulated and the results are clear: The Match Challenge to benefit the Lindsborg Old Mill and Swedish Heritage Museum surpassed everyone’s hopes and expectations with total giving of $98,750.61 – just $1,249.39 shy of six-figures!