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Two of Three Candidates Running for McPherson County Commission Participate in Candidate Forum Wednesday


By Lucky Kidd


Nick Reinecker, challenging incumbent David O’Dell in the Republican primary for Commission District 3. (Photo by Rob Mackey)

McPHERSON COUNTY, Kan. — Two of the three candidates running for McPherson County Commission took part in a candidate forum Wednesday hosted by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce Civic Awareness Committee at the American Legion.

Participating was Dave Bohnenblust, who is unopposed in the Republican primary and general election for Commission District 2, where incumbent Tom Kuesner is not seeking re-election, and Nick Reinecker, who is challenging incumbent David O’Dell in the Republican primary for Commission District 3. O’Dell was unable to attend the forum due to a conflict.

In his opening statement Reinecker, co-owner of Inman Harvest Cafe, said younger generations are hungry for a change, and for the government to fit inside the box it’s supposed to. “As County Commissioner I want to make sure government is restrained, but also efficient and effective in what it does by supporting core services,” Reinecker stated.

Dave Bohnenblust, unopposed in the Republican primary and general election for Commission District 2 (Photo by Rob Mackey)

Bohnenblust, who at one time worked for McPherson County as Public Works Director, is a civil engineer currently a district maintenance engineer for the Kansas Department of Transportation. While working for the county he oversaw about one fourth of the overall budget, which he said gives him the background for dealing with infrastructure “The Infrastructure is a pretty important part, and it’s going to continue to be, as our bridges and roads continue to get older.”

Reinecker said there are three critical issues he wants to address, including workforce and out-migration, improving efficiency in county operations including staffing, and relationship building. Workforce issues are at the top of that, saying “We’ve got to figure out how to make McPherson County a beacon so people can say I want to work here, I want to live here.”

Bohnenblust was in agreement with what Reinecker said, noting the fact that Public Works currently has vacancies for a licensed engineer and surveyor. He also wants to focus on an aging road and bridge infrastructure.

When it comes to ideas for supporting growth of McPherson County, Reinecker said he would look at reducing rules and regulations, with a focus on cohesive partnerships with communities in the county. He also said he will work to keep budgets revenue neutral as it relates to property taxes. Bohnenblust said housing should be a priority along with overall taxation issues.

Other topics covered in the forum included wind energy, legalization of marijuana, and Medicaid, the latter of which provided the shortest answers of the night with Reinecker saying he opposes Medicaid expansion in Kansas and Bohnenblust undecided.