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Lindsborg City Council Approves $27K Quote for Rehabilitation of Sewer Lift Station at Emerald Estates


By Lucky Kidd


LINDSBORG, Kan. — The Lindsborg City Council Tuesday approved a $27,379 dollar quote for Environline from Osawatomie for rehabilitation of a sewer lift station at Emerald Estates.

Public Works Director Chris Lindholm said this lift station was installed in the mid 1990s when that subdivision was first developed. As houses were built in that area, sewage flows increased and as that happened things flushed down caused corrosion and other deterioration.

The pumps were rebuilt in 2016, and Lindholm said they knew at some point they would have to replace the pumps, and things are now at a point where pumps, guide rails, check valves and other items. Environline was the only company to submit a bid, as a lot of things with pump stations are manufacturer specific. Lindholm said this pumping station would still be able to accommodate additional growth in that area.

The Council approved an agreement to offer a 457B deferred compensation plan to employees through the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System.

Finance Director David Hay said the city has offered a 457B plan since 2007 through Security Benefit, and at recent conferences learned the KPERS plan through Empower may be a better option for the city, based on the city not having to assume certain fiduciary responsibilities it has with the existing plan. There is no cost to the city for the program, as all contributions are borne by employees. There are 11 employees on the Security Benefit program, and they will be able to remain with them, but any new employees would only be able to use the KPERS 457B program.

During the meeting the Council also approved the appointment of Kevin Kindlesparger to the Lindsborg Volunteer Fire Department and heard a presentation from Lindsborg Senior Center Representatives.