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City of McPherson Unveils Strategic Plan Draft: Themes Include Processes and Safety, Quality of Life, Economic Growth


By Lucky Kidd


McPHERSON, Kan. — A draft strategic plan for the City of McPherson was unveiled Friday. City Administrator and Director of Housing Initiatives Austin Regier says it looks at two primary areas, internal processes and culture, and infrastructure for future growth. Quality of Life is also one of the strategic themes.

Development of this draft has been in the works for about the last two years. The city worked with Farmers Alliance Chief Executive Officer Brian Lopata to develop the plan. Lopata, who has extensive experience in strategic planning, provided his services to the city at no charge.

Mayor Tom Brown said the plan was developed using the “institutional way” concept. Brown noted the hard part of the process, developing implementation of these ideas, is yet to come.

The plan examines capabilities, process, financial aspects, and residents and businesses.

Within the area of capabilities, objectives spelled out include improving operational readiness, investing in professional development, strengthening employee engagement, and improving culture.

In the area of process, three objectives were identified including improving communication, strengthening decision making, and growing relationships. Within this area is improving communication both within the organization, increasing community engagement, and strengthening relationships with local organizations.

Financial objectives include improving financial transparency and including financial strength. Within this area, one of the initiatives suggested communicating with the public what tax dollars are doing through a monthly newsletter and social media campaigns.

Objectives identified in the area of residents and businesses include improving community investments and growth of the community. This area has a number of initiatives dealing with infrastructure along with local innovation and a goal to develop housing to support 25,000 people.