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City of Great Bend Crews to Flush and Inspect Fire Hydrants this Month


GREAT BEND, Kan. — The City of Great Bend shared that crews will be flushing and inspecting fire hydrants, starting this Month.

Residents should expect water to be released into the curb and gutters across town. Large amounts of running water from flushing hydrants will only occur during normal business hours.

If you happen to see off-colored water in a private service connection, the best solution is to flush all lines in the service until it becomes clean again.

Water that sits in a fire hydrant that has not been used for a long period of time can become discolored due to rust. Some of this water will be flushed out of the hydrant, but a small percentage will remain in the water mains during the flushing. This can lead to discolored water being pulled into private service connections. Although it may have a color, the water is still safe to drink and cook with. 

Neighborhoods to be affected by the first round of flushing:
  • Southeast Corner of town
  • Stoneridge
  • Cherry Place and Eisenhower area
  • Twin Lakes

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Utilities Department at (620)793-4150.