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Allen County Approves New Ambulance Purchase, Agree to Continue Using Bukaty as County Health Insurance Benefit Manager


ALLEN COUNTY, Kan. — Allen County Commissioners Tuesday approved purchase of a new ambulance, at a cost of just under $228,000. The county is purchasing a demonstrator unit which it can take delivery of in about 2-3 weeks. This will be a gas engine unit rather than the diesel units typically used. EMS Director Michael Burnett and the Commission also discussed future ambulance needs including remounting of boxes on a new chassis, which right now has about a 24-month lead time for scheduling.

Commissioners continued discussion of evening meeting plans, and the various conflicts with other events. A planned meeting March 25, for instance, would conflict with a Thrive Allen County Community Conversation that night in LaHarpe. A suggestion was also made for having an evening meeting the second Tuesday, but that’s the same night Allen Community College Trustees hold their meeting.

Commissioners Tuesday agreed to continue using Bukaty as the county’s health insurance benefit manager, at least for the time being. Last week, Commissioners heard presentations from Bukaty and from Freedom Clams of Great Bend, but deferred action on a choice until this week so Commissioner John Brocker, who was not at last week’s meeting, could be in on the decision.

A consultant the county works with on insurance matters said the county should not lock itself into any long-term contract, as there are other providers out there that might be able to get a better program for it.

A number of people have expressed interest in serving on a Road and Bridge Committee for Allen County, At Tuesday’s meeting the County Commission agreed to give information on them to Road and Bridge Supervisor Jeremy Hopkins, who will set up a meeting with them.

During his weekly report, Hopkins presented his three-and-five-year equipment and road plans, which have “a lot of work” on them. One project that will be done this year is on Texas Road through Carlyle between 1400 road and US 169.

Later in the meeting it was mentioned by Hopkins one item not on the lists was the need for a new shop building, noting the current one is in poor shape and that just one issue.

911 Director Chelsie Becker also reported on recent training her staff has taken part in, and an upcoming conference in Orlando where she and Emergency Management Director Jason Trego will be giving presentations. As such, the cost to the county for their attendance will be much less than it would ordinarily be.