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Salvation Army Celebrates National “I’ll Fight Day” in Reno County


HUTCHISON, Kan. — The Salvation Army’s “I’ll Fight Day” is being celebrated in Reno County on Saturday, Dec. 14. 

The Salvation Army recently participated in the $20 Bill Challenge last week, which resulted in the “largest daily kettle total of the season” according to Salvation Army Corps Officer Major Paul James. The total was $1,840, which is (92) $20 bills. 

Typically, the organization only gets around $300 to $500 from the challenge. Major James said this year’s result made counting buckets a lot more exciting. Major James also said they only had to match $1,840 of the $8,000 match that donors gave, and those donors have agreed to continue to encourage the community again for the next two Saturdays.

On Dec. 14, and Dec. 21, the Salvation Army will be doing $20 Bill Challenges where every $20 bill is matched.

This Saturday will also be the National “I’ll Fight Day” Challenge. The name “I’ll Fight Day” is in honor of a sermon given by The Salvation Army co-founder William Booth. 

“As he stood at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England to over 7,000 Salvationists, Booth’s final words summed up the heart and mission of The Salvation Army,” Major James said.

“While women weep, as they do now, I’ll fight;
While children go hungry, as they do now, I’ll fight;
While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight;
While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets,
While there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight;
I’ll fight to the very end!” -William Booth

When you think of The Salvation Army, you may think of Christmas Food Boxes provided to hundreds of families each year, or toys received by over a thousand children each year, but The Salvation Army helps over 12 percent of the community coming through the doors over the course of the year for a multitude of reasons: to pay rent, utilities, or to buy food or clothing for their family. 

Major James said this year has been more difficult than most and that the budget is behind. He hopes that “I’ll Fight Day” inspires others to help The Salvation Army and bring hope to the community. 

“Currently, The Salvation Army is down quite a bit due to Thanksgiving being a week later in the year, and people are just really starting to give. The Salvation Army has also had to spend more towards non-perishables than they have in years past,” Mayor James said. “It’s a great feeling to be able to make it possible for families to provide for their loved ones. We just hope people will join the fight as we are struggling with our budget.”

The Salvation Army would greatly appreciate your help to “Fight” through generous financial donations, or through volunteering to ring bells by going to