Ad Astra Radio Family Brands

Rehabilitation Work on Several Houses in Lyons is Proceeding

LYONS, Kan. – Rehabilitation work on several houses in Lyons under a Community Development Block Grant is proceeding. Community Development Coordinator Alicia Hommon told the Lyons City Council Monday that work on two of the houses has been finished, while five more will be...

Safety Corridor Pilot Program Focuses on Saving Lives

KANSAS – Motorists traveling four stretches of highway across Kansas will now see increased traffic safety messaging and new signage as part of the Safety Corridor Pilot Program.The Safety Corridor Pilot Program is a five-year initiative to reduce fatalities and serious injuries in four...

Nominations Open for Kansas Business Awards

TOPEKA, Kan. – The Kansas Department of Commerce is accepting nominations for the 2023 To The Stars: Kansas Business Awards. The popular annual awards program recognizes companies and individuals around the state for...

Ad Astra Radio Acquires Iola Radio Stations KIKS and KIOL

IOLA, Kan. – Ad Astra per Aspera Broadcasting, Inc. (Ad Astra Radio) announces the acquisition of 101.5 KIKS and 1370/99.3 KIOL from longtime owners Tom and Monica Norris, effective July 1, 2023. Ad Astra Radio owns and operates nine other radio stations in Kansas...

New Report Shows Progress and Gaps in Educational Attainment

TOPEKA, Kan. - Kansas ranks 17th in the nation in people who have a "high quality" postsecondary credential, according to a group that promotes learning after high school.With 55.7 percent of Kansans aged 25-65 having such credentials, Kansas exceeds the national average of 53.7...

KDHE Awards 17 Chronic Disease Risk Reduction Community Grantees

TOPEKA, Kan. - The Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) Community Health Promotion program is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Chronic Disease Risk Reduction (CDRR) Community Grant. In total, the SFY 2024 CDRR program covers: 17 grantees, 29 counties and...

AAA Kansas Warns About Leaving Children Inside Hot Cars

LAWRENCE, Kan. (KPR) — It's hot and getting hotter in Kansas. With recent rising temperatures, AAA Kansas is reminding motorists not to leave their children unattended in automobiles.Every year, children die because they were left inside a hot vehicle.AAA Kansas spokesman Shawn Steward said...

Attorney General: Kansas Will Stop Changing Genders on IDs

TOPEKA, Kan. (KNS) - Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach says the state will stop allowing transgender people to change the gender on their driver's licenses and birth certificates. A new law set to take effect July 1st changes the rules.Trans Kansans have been able...