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Kansas Department of Education: Teacher Vacancies Remain High

TOPEKA, Kan. (KNS) - New numbers from the Kansas Department of Education show the teacher shortage continues across the state. Public schools reported more than 1,600 vacant jobs in April - about the same number as last fall. Most openings are in special education...

Nickerson Teens Invited to Sign Up Now for Youth Challenge

NICKERSON, Kan. – Nickerson teens will have the opportunity to pair their creativity with up to $7,500 in grant money to address a youth-related community challenge.The Nickerson Youth Challenge invites Nickerson area youth ages 12 to 17 to an interactive two-day workshop to create...

Kansas Wildlife Commissioners Consider Restricting Game Baiting

TOPEKA, Kan. (KNS) – Kansas wildlife commissioners are exploring whether to restrict hunters from setting out bait to lure deer and other game. Most Midwestern states ban or limit baiting.Among 13 Midwestern states, only Kansas allows unregulated baiting of animals such as deer for...

Kansas Law Enforcement Cracking Down on Fentanyl Distribution

TOPEKA, Kan. (KNS) – Last month the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Attorney General’s office announced a new task force aimed at cracking down on fentanyl distribution in the state. But drug policy experts say enforcement efforts don’t address the root issue of...

Donors Needed in July to Prevent a Blood Shortage

KANSAS – The American Red Cross continues to see a concerning trend – blood donations are being sent to hospitals faster than they are coming in. The Red Cross has collected about 50,000 fewer blood donations than needed over the last two months. Donors...

$10 million Project Set for Previous K-14 in Reno, Rice Counties

RENO COUNTY, Kan. - A $10 million project on a section of highway previously designated as K-14 in Reno and Rice counties is expected to begin Thursday, July 20.This 17-mile section, of what had been K-14, was replaced last month by a new K-14...

KDWP to Conduct Five-Year Review of State Listed Species

PRATT, Kan. ( – The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) is conducting a five-year review of the lists of Kansas species that are endangered, threatened or Species In Need of Conservation (SINC). Endangered is the most imperiled category of the three, and species...