Ad Astra Radio Family Brands

McPherson College Hosts Art Pop 2023

By McPherson College McPHERSON, KANSAS — Each year, McPherson College invites Kansas high school students to exhibit their best art and compete for prizes and scholarships at the Art POP exhibition in Friendship Hall at the college. This year,...

DocTalk with Dr. Grace Strella rescheduled for Nov. 6

By McPherson Center for Health McPHERSON, Kan. — McPherson Center for Health is announcing that the “DocTalk” with Dr. Grace Strella previously scheduled in October has been rescheduled for Monday, Nov. 6 at noon at The Cedars Conference Center...

Introducing Lane Gillespie, New McPherson Sports Director

By Brenna Eller McPHERSON, Kan. —  Ad Astra Radio is excited to announce and welcome the most recent addition to the McPherson team.Lane Gillespie, born and raised in Topeka, Kan., is the new McPherson Sports Director. Gillespie will be...

Community Foundation Releases Over $90,000 In Oct.

By the McPherson County Community Foundation McPHERSON, Kan. — The McPherson County Community Foundation board has approved the following grant awards from the ‘Dream Fund’, the David J. Nutt Fund and the special grants round for Mastermind McPherson County. A total of $92,690 was released...

The Kansas Cold Weather Rule Takes Effect November 1

By the Kansas Corporation Commission TOPEKA, Kan. — The Cold Weather Rule, designed to help Kansans who are behind on their utility payments avoid disconnection during the winter months, will begin on Wednesday, November 1 and remain in effect...

McPherson Alternative Christmas Gift Market Returning as Live Event Nov. 11

By McPherson County Community Foundation McPHERSON, Kan. — After three years of operating virtually, McPherson’s Alternative Christmas Gift Market is returning as a live event.Set for 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 11, at The Cedars Activities Center, 1021 Cedars Drive, the annual market will...

PASSAGE – A Musical Journey

By Gary DemuthDaniel Velasco picked up the flute by way of the recorder.A native of Ecuador, Velasco learned to read music as a young student by learning basic notes on the recorder. His music teacher believed...

McPherson Public Schools Announce Teachers of the Year

By McPherson Public Schools McPHERSON, Kan.  — McPherson Public Schools is pleased to announce the District Teachers of The Year. Ms. Maegen Stucky was selected as the Elementary Teacher of the Year and Mr. Christopher Strathman was selected as the Secondary Teacher of the Year.Ms....