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Kansas Ag Expo is Coming Up

HUTCHINSON, Kan. - Star Expos along with the Kansas State Fair are pleased to announce a brand-new expo coming to Hutchinson and the Kansas State Fairgrounds. Partnering with the Kansas...

National Wheat Yield Contest is Open for 2023 Entries

By Julia Debes, MANHATTAN, Kan. - While overall prospects for the 2023 Kansas wheat harvest remain dim due to sustained drought conditions, producers who have received timely moisture are encouraged to enter the 2023 National Wheat Yield Contest. “No...

Kansas Fire Season is Here, Officials Say

By Maddy Rohr, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. — The beginning of the year has been quiet for Kansas wildfires after above average moisture in January, but the trend may not continue into peak fire season. In previous years, the incidence of...