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Mosquito Fogging to Continue in Great Bend

GREAT BEND, Kan. — The City of Great Bend will resume fogging for Mosquitoes on the following Tuesdays below. The city decided on Tuesdays since the 4th of July falls on a Thursday. Fogging will run the usual hours of 8 PM...

Five Pawnee County Students Honored for Perfect Assessment Scores

By Lucky Kidd PAWNEE COUNTY, Kan. — Four students at Fort Larned Elementary School and one from Pawnee Heights were honored by the Pawnee County Commission Monday for achieving perfect scores on state assessment tests earlier this spring.

Playground Closure for Repairs at Veterans Memorial Park

By the City of Great Bend Public Lands Department GREAT BEND, Kan. – The City of Great Bend Public Lands Department announces that the large playground on the south side of Veterans Lake will be closed for repairs starting...

KDOT Announces Approved May Bids

By Kansas Department of Transportation KANSAS (June 6, 2024) - The Kansas Department of Transportation announces approved bids for state highway construction and maintenance projects. The letting took place May 22, 2024, in Topeka. Some of the bids may...