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Tennessee harvests nearly finished

Soybeans and cotton are on the last leg of harvest in Tennessee. USDA says soybeans are 89 percent harvested and cotton is 85 complete, both ahead of average.  Winter wheat is rated 67 percent good to excellent while pastures are rated only 19 percent...

Kansas corn harvest ahead of schedule

Kansas corn harvest is ahead of the five year average. According to the latest crop progress and conditions report from the USDA, corn is 97 percent harvested for grain. Soybeans are 96 percent harvested. Winter wheat is 47 percent adequate to surplus, 97 percent planted, and 84 percent...

More than half of Minnesota’s soils are short on moisture

Harvest in Minnesota is virtually complete. The USDA says sunflowers in the state are 91 percent harvested, ahead of the five-year average. Topsoil moisture supplies are 62 percent short to very short, and subsoil moisture supplies are rated 60 percent short to very short. The...

Illinois corn and soybean harvest nearing completion

Soybean harvest is nearing completion in Illinois. According to the latest crop progress and conditions report from the USDA, corn is 97 percent harvested for grain. Soybeans are also 97 percent harvested. Winter wheat is 74 percent adequate to surplus, 92 percent planted, and 83 percent emerged. Topsoil...

Harvests speeding ahead of average in Missouri

The USDA says the state’s corn crop is 93 percent harvested while soybeans are 90 percent finished, both ahead of average. Cotton harvest is 94 percent harvested, also ahead of average. Winter wheat is 86 percent planted, 64 percent emerged, and condition is rated...

Soybeans are 99% harvested

Soybean harvest is set to wrap up soon in Iowa. According to the latest crop progress and conditions report from the USDA, corn is 95 percent harvested for grain. Soybeans are 99 percent harvested. Topsoil moisture is 52 ​percent adequate to surplus and subsoil moisture is ​36 percent...

Closing Grain and Livestock Futures: November 12, 2024

Dec. corn closed at $4.28 and 1/2, down 1 and 1/2 centsJan. soybeans closed at $10.10 and 1/2, down 11 and 3/4 centsDec. soybean meal closed at $292.90, down $2.20Dec. soybean oil closed at 46.23, down 191 pointsDec. wheat closed at $5.52 and 1/4,...

Wisconsin harvest running ahead

Recent rains have been good for fall planted crops in Wisconsin. The USDA says the state’s corn crop is 89 percent harvested, ahead of the five-year average, with about 16 percent moisture. Winter wheat is 89 percent emerged with condition rated 74 percent good...

Down day for soybeans, corn, wheat

Soybeans were lower on fund and technical selling. Beans are monitoring the generally favorable crop weather in South America, which has pushed planting forward. CONAB’s updated outlook for Brazil’s crop is scheduled for Thursday, November 14th. Stateside, as of Sunday, 96% of U.S. soybeans...

95% of U.S. corn, 96% of soybeans harvested

The U.S. corn and soybean harvests should be able to wrap up in the coming days. That will depend on the weather with mixed chances for precipitation in the Midwest and Plains this week. The USDA says 95% of U.S. corn has been harvested,...

96% corn and soybean harvest complete in Ohio

Dry conditions continue to span Ohio. According to the latest crop progress and conditions report from the USDA, corn is 96 percent harvested for grain. Soybeans are also 96 percent harvested. Winter wheat is 65 percent adequate to surplus, 95 percent planted, and 69 percent emerged. Topsoil moisture...

Corn harvest nearly complete in Michigan

Michigan corn harvest is in the final stages. The USDA says Michigan’s corn crop is 91 percent harvested while sugarbeets are at 85 percent. Winter wheat is 92 percent emerged with condition rated 72 percent good to excellent. The post