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USDA reduces 2024 cotton, rice crop expectations

The USDA has lowered its expectations for 2024 U.S. cotton and rice production modestly. Upland cotton is seen at just under 14 billion bales, 4% below August due to a reduction in yield, now pegged at 794 pounds per acre, but still up 19%...

Nebraska farmers benefitting from increase of soybean crush plants

A Nebraska Soybean Board member says the increase of crush plants has been beneficial to farmers. Mark Caspers tells Brownfield… “It improves their bases quite a lot and we get to utilize more of those bushels right here in Nebraska that gets converted into...

Rep. Hinson says Chinese ag drones threaten U.S. food supply

A U.S. Representative from Iowa says the use of Chinese-manufactured agriculture drones could be a threat to food security. Republican Ashley Hinson tells Brownfield the U.S. needs to push back against China’s supply of DJI spray drones. “They have sophisticated sensing technology designed to...

USDA meat outlooks up on month

The USDA has increased its 2024 projections for beef, pork, chicken, and turkey production, while decreasing the egg outlook. Beef is estimated at 26.795 billion pounds, up 59 million from August on a faster cow slaughter pace and heavier weights, with an average steer...

Dairy price strength could continue

The USDA does not expect milk production to increase through at least 2025 and farmers should benefit. In its latest supply and demand report, the department says lower cow numbers and slower production increases per cow are likely. Expectations for butter, cheese, whey, nonfat...

Modest changes for new crop corn, soybean carryout

The USDA made modest adjustments to 2024/25 U.S. corn and soybean ending stocks based on changes to production and 2023/24 ending stocks. New crop corn ending stocks were down 16 million bushels at 2.057 billion bushels due to solid old crop ethanol and export...

Corn rootworm an issue for some in Nebraska

An agronomist with Hoegemeyer Hybrids says corn rootworm has been an issue for some Nebraska farmers. Craig Langemeier tells Brownfield… “The main problem with them is they’re going to feed on the roots. Maybe to the point where we may see just yield loss...

Nebraska Farm Bureau introduces new healthcare program for members

Nebraska Farm Bureau members will soon have access to a new healthcare program. President Mark McHargue tells Brownfield the Nebraska Farm Bureau Health Plan rolls out October 1. “This is really kind of like insurance used to be. You’d go through underwriting and our experience...

Using silage tarps for weed control

An associate professor of weed science at Purdue University says specialty crop growers have another option for weed control. Steven Meyers says silage tarps aren’t just for dairy farmers. “Essentially, small vegetable farmers have started to use them either as a stale seed bed...

USDA cuts 2024 soybean guess slightly, increases corn

The USDA has raised its 2024 production guess for corn slightly, while lowering the outlook for soybeans. This year’s corn crop is now pegged at 15.186 billion bushels, up less than 1% from August on a half a bushel increase in the average yield...

Herbicides aren’t the only way to control weeds

A mechanical weed specialist says herbicides aren’t the only way to control weeds. Sam Oschwald Tilton says farmers need more options to increase profitability. “Organic agriculture can be extremely profitable because often we’re substituting natural systems for purchased inputs and what that means is that farmers...

Getting serious about a new farm bill

The president of the National Farmers Union says lawmakers are getting more serious about getting a new farm bill completed this year. Rob Larew tells Brownfield high engagement with leaders and creativity is needed to get something done. “Not only getting that combination of...