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Indiana water availability becomes one of INFB’s top priorities

The president of Indiana Farm Bureau says the organization continues to work on several policy issues on behalf of its members. Randy Kron says he never thought Indiana would have to fight to keep water available for ag use.  “Boone County doesn’t have enough water and now industry is talking about moving...

Soy-based Asphalt at the Farm Progress Show

The uses of soy will be on display at this year’s Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa. On this episode of Seeds of Success, a farmer-leader with the Iowa Soybean Association outlines some enhancements to a popular soy-based asphalt project. The post

Soybean growers to benefit from checkoff investment in fire safety

Soybean growers will start to see some return on their checkoff investment from a new product.  A new PFAS-free and fluorine-free biodegradable, and much safer-to-use soybean based firefighting foam has been on the market for about six months. Dave Garlie, whose team at Cross...

Crop conditions vary for NW Wisconsin farmer

A farmer in northwestern Wisconsin is seeing wide variations in his crops, depending on when he was able to plant. Jerry Morfoot raises corn, soybeans, and hay near Cornell, and tells Brownfield the wet spring affected planting dates, and he can see the impact...

Harvest approaching for Tennessee crops

Tennessee crops will soon be ready for harvest. USDA says corn condition improved to 51 percent good to excellent with 98 percent of the crop silking, 88 percent in the dough stage, 64 percent dented, and 17 percent mature. Cotton is 94 percent setting...

Kansas crops see little change in conditions

Kansas crop conditions were largely unchanged from week to week. According to USDA’s weekly conditions report, corn is rated 45% good to excellent, down slightly from last week with 100% of the crop silking, 88% in the dough stage and 48% at the dent...

Small grain and alfalfa harvests advance in Minnesota

The harvest of small grains and alfalfa progressed in Minnesota last week. USDA’s latest weekly crop update says 56 percent of oats, 31 percent of spring wheat, and 30 percent of barley is harvested. The second cutting of alfalfa is 91 percent complete, compared...

Potato and hay harvesting continues in Wisconsin

It was a dry start of the week for much of Wisconsin.  USDA statistician Greg Bussler says rainfall later in the week limited an otherwise productive week. Field activities included harvesting small grains, potatoes, and cutting hay. Sixty-four percent of Wisconsin’s corn is in...

Naig optimistic about Iowa corn crop

Soybean development remains behind normal in Iowa. USDA’s latest weekly crop report says 83 percent of the crop is setting pods, three days behind the five-year average.  Seventy-seven percent is rated in good to excellent condition. Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig tells Brownfield he’s...

Crops doing well in Arkansas

It was another mostly-dry week for Arkansas farmers, and crops looking good.  Ninety eight percent of Arkansas corn is in the dough stage, with 91% dented and 76% of the crop mature.  Seventeen percent of the state’s corn has been harvested.  Twenty-two percent of...

Michigan growing conditions favorable over past week

Relatively cool weather was ideal for Michigan crops which continue to develop ahead of last year and the five-year average. The USDA says corn is rated 71 percent good to excellent with 97 percent of the crop silking, 55 percent in the dough stage,...

Nebraska crop conditions improving

Corn and soybean conditions improved slightly in Nebraska. According to USDA’s weekly crop report, corn is rated 72% good to excellent in the state, up from 69% a week ago, with 100% of the crop silking, 76% of the crop in the dough stage....