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Importance of crop insurance understood

One of the few things representatives of both Presidential candidates can agree on is the importance of crop insurance. During a recent Farm Foundation forum, Rod Snyder, former senior advisor for ag for EPA under the Biden-Harris Administration, says crop insurance is a critical...

Rep. Budzinski says farm bill extension to be tied to federal budget

A member of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee says a farm bill extension will likely be tied to the federal budget process. Illinois Representative Nikki Budzinski says Congress is reconvening from the August recess this week with a tight calendar. “I think the expectation...

Cranberry crop might top USDA projections

Wisconsin’s cranberry growers might exceed yield projections this fall.  USDA and Ocean Spray predict around 4.9 million barrels will be harvested this fall, but Wisconsin Cranberry Growers Association Executive Director Grant Holley tells Brownfield growers are more optimistic. “Now, we’ve been traveling around the...

Anita Vanderwert

Anita has been with Brownfield for over 25 years. As a Marketing Strategist for Brownfield Ag News, Anita works closely with the network’s national sales team to find solutions for Brownfield’s advertising partners. Having grown up on a family farm she offers good insight...

Vilsack addresses biofuels tax credit concerns at Growth Energy Summit

U.S. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says he’d like to see guidance from his agency on the 45Z tax credit issued before the end of December. During this morning’s Growth Energy Biofuels Summit, Vilsack said he’s pressing his agency to finish its standards for what...

Keeping Missouri’s Farms Sustainable

Clayton Light, Missouri Soybean’s director of conservation ag and farm operations, says conservation and sustainability are closely related. It is important to keep sustainability in mind while looking at research projects and to make sure the conservation tactics are realistic for farmers to use....

Michigan Soybean Committee Calibrates for Harvest

In this Pods for Profit, Michigan Soybean Committee President Mark Senk shares the details for the upcoming Michigan Soybean Harvest Equipment Field Day that’s planned for Lenawee County on September 26th. The post

Checking Out the Illinois Corn Checkoff!

The Illinois Corn Marketing Board utilizes corn checkoff dollars to spread the message and advance the state’s top industry. Through strategic investment of Illinois corn checkoff dollars, they work to grow demand, create new markets, and foster understanding of corn farmers and the corn...

Investments in Soybean Meal Export Infrastructure

Farmers are constantly looking for ways to increase profitability for the industry. On this episode of Seeds of Success, an Iowa Soybean Association director says one of the most effective ways of achieving this is to invest in the supply chain that connects what...

Kentucky crops: corn harvest 22% complete, soybean harvest 3% complete

Decent weather has helped Kentucky farmers continue harvest ahead of the average pace. Corn is 22 percent harvested, well ahead of the average.  Ninety-five percent is in the dough stage, 88 percent is in dent, and 67 percent is mature.  Soybeans are 3 percent...