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Growth in farmland values is slowing

 A senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City says growth in farmland values has slowed. Cortney Cowley tells Brownfield… “That means that you could buy a treasury bond or or invest in a lower risk entity and make more money on...

Bleak outlook for corn and soybean prices through harvest

A market analyst sees a bleak outlook for corn and soybean prices going into harvest. Jamey Kohake with Paragon Investments says a record crop is waiting to come online. “Saw big numbers from Pro Farmer (and) it looks like pretty much anywhere but southern...

CME cash dairy prices steady to higher Friday

Cash dairy prices were steady-to-higher entering the holiday Friday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.  Dry whey was unchanged at $0.56.  Two sales were recorded at that price.  Forty-pound cheese blocks were up $0.1350 at $2.21.   Three sales were recorded, ranging from $2.19 to $2.21. ...

Beck’s Hybrids expects good seed supply for ‘25

The central region business manager for Beck’s Hybrids says the company expects adequate seed supplies for 2025. Clint Prange tells Brownfield… “Seed production looks very good right now.”  He says, “We even ramped up production that much more coming off of last year because...

First field trial for H5N1 cattle vaccine authorized

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says the USDA will allow field safety trials of H5N1 vaccines in dairy cattle.  Vilsack says he doesn’t expect the trials to disrupt trade. “The expectation is that there won’t be quite the level of concern as there is in...

Surprising start to harvest for southeastern Illinois farmer

A southeastern Illinois farmer says his corn harvest started Thursday with a surprise. Jeff Scates, who farms in Gallatin & Union Counties, tells Brownfield… “It was the first field that we had planted, and it was coming out at 15% moisture.”  He says, “So...

Challenging weather spawns grain storage concerns

Grain storage concerns are prevalent in areas of the Corn Belt that had planting delays.  Iowa State University Extension agronomist Gentry Sorenson says crop development varies widely across the Upper Midwest. “There’s going to be some wet corn out there this year, a lot...

County leader praises rural road program

A member of the Wisconsin Counties Association who also serves on his local town board says more towns need to take advantage of the Agricultural Road Improvement Program. Kieth Langenhahn tells Brownfield there’s a road near his Marathon County home that gets a lot...

More alfalfa in ‘24, but quality lower

A Wisconsin dairy farmer says this year’s increased moisture has been a mixed blessing for his crops.  Jack Herricks from Cashton tells Brownfield there’s already quite a bit of forage in the bunk. “We have not started corn silage, but harvesting alfalfa this year...

Ohio State hosts NASA contest to help better feed astronauts

An Ohio State professor says the NASA Deep Space Food Challenge was an opportunity to develop more nutritious foods for astronauts.  John Horack tells Brownfield…. “Calories are super easy to find, but the nutrition behind them is equally important, and that is often a...