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Art Bag Challenge and Silent Auction Nov. 11-18

By Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife Center  LINDSBORG, Kan. — Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife, at 114 ½ South Main Street, will display artwork from its Art Bag Challenge and conduct a silent auction of the works beginning November 11 through November 18....

Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Grant

By Rise Up Reno Prevention Network RENO COUNTY, Kan. — Rise Up Reno Prevention Network works to promote healthy youth behaviors through mentoring, substance use prevention, suicide prevention, strengthening families, and youth leadership. As a primary prevention agency, the main objective is to prevent youth...

Marshall’s Office Offers Assistance to Kansans in Israel

By the Office of U.S. Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall M.D.  SALINA, Kan. – In response to the ongoing deadly attacks on Israel, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., has announced his office’s assistance in helping any Kansan in Israel safely evacuate...

Local Hutchinson Groups Fight Hunger One Bowl at a Time

By Hutchinson Public Schools HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Hutchinson High School, Hutchinson Community College, and the Hutchinson Art Center are raising hunger awareness through art at the Empty Bowls fundraiser on Thursday, October 12th, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Hutchinson Art Center located...

Bethany College Class of 1983 Announces the Henry Hays Scholarship

By Bethany College LINDSBORG, KAN. — The Bethany College Office of Advancement is excited to announce the endowment of the Henry Hays Scholarship. Dr. Hays was a business professor from 1977 – 1996, leaving his mark on the Bethany College campus and in students'...