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Rice County Elections: Sterling and Little River Results

By Lucky Kidd RICE COUNTY, Kan. — Four candidates emerged from a ten person field Tuesday to win seats on the Sterling USD 376 Board of Education. Ted Carder was the top vote getter with 382 votes, followed by...

Reno County Election: School Board and Citywide Races

By Lucky Kidd RENO COUNTY, Kan. — Hutchinson area voters appear to have turned out four incumbents in Tuesday's elections.Scott Meggers defeated Stuart Conklin 798-563 for the Northeast District seat on the Hutchinson City Council. Conklin had...

Local Veterans Day Events

Ad Astra Radio thanks all Veterans for their service! Here are some local events happening in and around the communities we cover. McPherson Veterans Day Events McPherson's Veterans Day events kick off with a free breakfast for veterans from 8-10 at the...

Cosmosphere CEO Reelected to Giant Screen Cinema Association Board

By the Cosmosphere HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Cosmosphere president and chief executive officer Jim Remar has been reelected to the board of the Giant Screen Cinema Association, an international organization with members representing filmmakers, distributors, and theaters from nearly 30 countries.

Kansas National Guardsmen to Support Veterans Day Events

By the Kansas Office of the Adjutant General’s Department  KANSAS — Soldiers and Airmen of the Kansas National Guard will honor their fellow veterans, past and present, by participating in several Veterans Day events in the state.Saturday, Nov. 4EmporiaCompany A, Recruiting and Retention Battalion, will...