By: Bethany College Athletics
HILLSBORO, Kan. ( – The Bethany College Swedes competed at the Tabor College Invite in Hillsboro, Kansas.
While still battling cooler conditions and wind, the Swedes came away with 27 personal bests, 10 event finalists, 6 top-3 finishes, 5 event champions and a couple national qualifying marks.
“This was one of our best days of competition this spring,” said Head Coach Aaron Yoder. “With less than ideal conditions, the teams made the most of the day. Also, noteworthy, we had several performances that just narrowly missed the national qualifying standards.”
Senior Cameron Gordon was .16 off the qualifying mark in the 200m and Sophomore Kort Sjogren was 1.26m off the standard in the Javelin Throw. This week’s performances has the team excited about the second half of the season.
Up Next…
The Swedes will participate in their final regular season tune-up in Hays, Kansas where they will compete in the Alex Francis Inviational hosted by Fort Hays State University on April 28.