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Haven Sweeps Hutch Trinity, Dec. 1 Basketball Scoreboard



Haven 49, Hutch Trinity 42

Minneapolis 51, Inman 44

Ellsworth 50, Lyons 18

Hesston 53, Southeast of Saline 39

Haven 49, Trinity Catholic 42

Hillsboro 57, Sterling 10

Minneola 61, Cunningham 38

South Central 40, Pawnee Heights 32

La Crosse 58, Ellinwood 26

Macksville 40, Ness City 32

Little River 86, Lincoln 3

Halstead 49, Sedgwick 21

Central Christian 40, Wichita Classical 32

Hoisington 76, Scott City 65

Fairfield 28, Oxford 21

Goessel 51, Marion 30

Moundridge 58, Elyria Christian 15

Canton-Galva 50, Rural Vista 27

McPherson 52, Dodge City 24

Buhler 56, Nickerson 42

Cheney 60, Clearwater 49

Circle 51, Kingman 39

Pratt 39, Larned 26 (Thursday)

Remington 66, Bluestem 40


Haven 69, Hutch Trinity 37

Macksville 82, Ness City 63

McPherson 64, Dodge City 37

La Crosse 46, Ellinwood 40

Ellsworth 59, Lyons 31

Sterling 48, Hillsboro 43

Minneola 65, Cunningham 35

South Central 67, Pawnee Heights 22

St. John 41, Stafford 35

Scott City 50, Hoisington 38

Western Plains 47, Chase 37

Wichita Classical 55, Central Christian 47

Garden Palin 48, Wichita Trinity 37

Junction City 66, Great Bend 63

Cheney 64, Clearwater 50

Marion 59, Goessel 30

Circle 77, Kingman 59

Moundridge 64, Elyria Christian 41

Little River 54, Lincoln 51

Buhler 60, Nickerson 39

Inman 37, Minneapolis 27

Halstead 77, Sedgwick 57

Hesston 49, Southeast of Saline 32

Pratt 56, Larned 37 (Thursday)

Remington 89, Bluestem 39