Girls Basketball
Buhler 79, Nickerson 17
Haven 60, Trinity Catholic 25
Wichita Classical 43, Central Christian 40
Central Plains 48, Smoky Valley 29
Larned 53, Pratt 31
Scott City 44, Hoisington 23
Ellsworth 49, Lyons 19
Hillsboro 62, Sterling 17
Hesston 67, Southeast of Saline 39
Halstead 46, Rose Hill 28
Oxford 38, Fairfield 33
Argonia @ Pretty Prairie
Moundridge 73, Elyria Christian 28
Inman 52, Minneapolis 40
Marion 45, Goessel 33
Berean Academy 55, Caldwell 8
Remington 42, Bluestem 21
Canton-Galva 50, Rural Vista 19
Wakefield 55, Centre 35
Minneola 47, Cunningham 37
Belle Plaine 53, Norwich 39
St. John 89, Stafford 9
Macksville 57, Ness City 39
Ellinwood 47, La Crosse 36
Kinsley 59, Chase 25
South Gray 66, Pawnee Heights 25
Mulvane 50, Kingman 36
Garden Plain 56, Trinity Academy 54
Salina South 57, Great Bend 20
Olathe East 37, Newton 20
Iola 40, Anderson County 19
Humboldt 55, St. Paul 39
Crest 49, Southern Coffey County 13
Madison 63, Yates Center 13
Burlington 66, Holton 41
Southeast-Cherokee 53, Erie 28
Hartford 71, Altoona-Midway 28
Jayhawk-Linn 66, Cass-Midway 32
Boys Basketball
Buhler 49, Nickerson 45 (ot)
Haven 65, Trinity Catholic 27
Wichita Classical 57, Central Christian 48
Central Plains 49, Smoky Valley 29
Pratt 58, Larned 38
Scott City 64, Hoisington 36
Lyons 55, Ellsworth 32
Sterling 60, Hillsboro 40
Hesston 54, Southeast of Saline 38
Halstead 62, Rose Hill 59
Oxford 58, Fairfield 52
Pretty Prairie 59, Argonia 49
Moundridge 50, Elyria Christian 39
Inman 43, Minneapolis 37
Marion 64, Goessel 38
Berean Academy 60, Caldwell 22
Remington 58, Bluestem 10
Rural Vista 68, Canton-Galva 55
Centre 52, Wakefield 36
Cunningham 58, Minneola 30
Norwich 50, Belle Plaine 46
St. John 64, Stafford 54
Macksville 84, Ness City 56
Ellinwood 49, La Crosse 39
Kinsley 60, Chase 14
South Gray 76, Pawnee Heights 22
Mulvane 56, Kingman 36
Garden Plain 49, Trinity Academy 48
Great Bend 71, Salina South 44
Newton 57, TMP-Marian 24
Anderson County 68, Iola 46
Humboldt 78, St. Paul 38
Crest 77, Southern Coffey County 8
Madison 59, Yates Center 17
Burlington 67, Holton 44
Hartford 64, Altoona-Midway 44
Jayhawk-Linn 46, Cass-Midway 31
Boys Wrestling
Spring Hill Duals
Olathe South 60, Chanute 24
Santa Fe Trail 47, Chanute 30
Blue Valley 61, Chanute 18
Paola 72, Chanute 6
Blue Valley West 48, Chanute 24
Blue Valley Northwest 46, Chanute 36
Fort Scott Duals
Blue Valley Southwest 66, Anderson County 6
Fort Scott 51, Jayhawk-Linn 29
Jayhawk-Linn 66, Anderson County 11
Fort Scott 66, Anderson County 12
Louisburg 48, Jayhawk-Linn 35
Louisburg 78, Anderson County 6
Atchison County 48, Jayhawk-Linn 30
Atchison County 54, Anderson County 12
Blue Valley Southwest 50, Jayhawk-Linn 24
Girls Wrestling
7th Annual Pratt Tournament
Full Results: Pratt Tournament Results
Team Scores: 1. Liberal 178.5, 2. Kapaun-Mt. Carmel 149, Pratt 143.5
Area Top Four Finishers
125#: 3. Sheyenne Pinkston, Remington, 4. Trinity Graves, Hoisington; 130#: 3. Tristin Compton, Hoisington; 135#: 4. Haydan Williams, Haven; 140#: 3. Lillie Ledfort, Buhler; 145#: 2. Macey Parks, Buhler; 150#: 1. Trista Rogers, Haven; 170#: 4. Peyton Schneider, Hoisington; 235#: 2. Haylee Holinde, Hoisington
KanOkla Girls 2024 @ Caney Valley High School
Full Results: KanOkla Girls 2024 results
Team Scores: 1. Douglass 130.5; 2. Wellington 125; 3. Independence 121
Area Top Four Finishers
105#: 3. Madison Shepard, Uniontown; 110#: 4. Devery Kennedy, Erie; 120#: 1. Alayna McCarty, Jayhawk-Linn/Pleasanton; 130#: 4. Madi Cope, Erie; 135#: 2. Addi Martin, Erie; 145#: 4. Gracee Willard, Jayhawk-Linn/Pleasanton; 155#: 2. Taevyn Baylor, Humboldt; 235#: 2. Gabriela Vargas-Garcia, Humboldt, 4. Savannah Koch, Humboldt
Christmas City Wrestling Classic @ WaKeeney
Full Results: Christmas City Classic Girls Results
Team Scores: 1. Norton 159.5, 2. Russell/Sylvan-Lucas 143.5, 3. Colby 121.5
Area Top Four Finishers
100#: 3. Teagan Walker, Larned; 105#: 1. Jacynn Boeken, Lyons; 110#: 1. Kennedy Grizzle, Lyons, 2. McKena Parker, Ellinwood; 120#: 2. Liliana McKenna, Larned; 125#: 3. Mariah Swarts, Halstead; 130#: 2. Kahlyn Davis, Halstead; 135#: 2. Cara Herbert, Larned; 145#: 4. Sophie Homolka, Ellsworth; 170#: 2. Gracyn Dombroski, Ellinwood; 190#: 3. Paisley Weizbrod, Larned; 4. Shyria Quintana, Ellinwood; 235#: 1. Emma Hahn, Ellinwood, 4. A’Tejia Thomas, Larned
Wild West Kickoff Classic @ Hays
Full Results: Wild West Kickoff Classic Girls Results
Team Scores: 1. Shawnee Heights 321, 2. Kearney (MO) 286.5, 3. Chanute 216
Area Top Four Finishers
110#: 2. Jarynn Hockett, Chanute; 155#: 4. Jayla Dunivin, Chanute; 170#: 1. Kiley Dillow, Chanute