By Hutchinson Public Schools
HUTCHINSON, Kan. — For the 2023-24 school year, Heartland Credit Union has awarded $3,800 total for 10 projects through its Celebrate Academic Success with HCU (CASH) Grants. Stephanie Suppes, Third Grade Teacher at Wiley Elementary School, was awarded a $400 grant to benefit her classroom with Ozobots for Coding.
Suppes said, “The Ozobots follow basic instructions given to them with colored markers on paper. The Ozobots have cameras on the bottom of them that distinguish the different colors and tell them what to do. The students can use them in a variety of ways, in the classroom. We are excited to explore with these fun little robots.”
The Wiley Elementary School Library also has a set of ozobots. “Last year we created huge paths for them that went around the classroom and into the hall. Students are able to have fun and learn coding at the same time”, she continued.
Ozobots support teachers in the classroom by providing pacing guides and lessons for all grade levels and all subject matter. With this grant, Suppes will purchase a set of the bots for use in her classroom.