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Wildland Grass Fire Season is Here: Be Prepared


HUTCHINSON, Kan. – March is upon us and so is the peak season for wildland fires in the Hutchinson and surrounding area. The Hutchinson Fire Department would like to encourage you to prepare yourself and your household by utilizing the Ready, Set, Go! (RSG) Program. This program helps to prepare yourself and protect your property against wildland fire threats, building situational awareness, and how to act early in evacuations.

Another good point to remember: During a wildland fire, responding resources may not be from the immediate area or have local knowledge. Clearly marked addresses, water supplies, and bridge load limits save valuable time.

More information on the Ready, Set, Go! program can be found at:

Before a fire occurs

Prepare yourself and your household

D Create a Wildland Fire Action Plan, visit

Know multiple evacuation routes.

Keep emergency supply kits on the property and in personal vehicles.

Prepare your property

D Ensure your address is clearly marked and visible from the street.

D Establish and maintain mitigated firebreaks around your pastures and structures.

Assess your property for ignition sources.

D Create defensible space around all structures.

D Clearly mark water tanks, ponds, and other water supplies available for firefighting use.

D Reinforce bridges to ensure that fire engines or

other fire suppression equipment are supported. Post bridge load limits and bridge heights.

Prepare your livestock

Create a livestock relocation/evacuation plan.

Ensure proper registration and branding of livestock.

D Establish a contingency plan for feeding livestock if grazing land is destroyed.


As the fire approaches

D Monitor local radio or television stations for weather updates.

Load vehicles with emergency supplies and valuables.

Alert your household and workers of any changes in the situation.

D Turn on irrigation.

D Open gates to give access to firefighters.

D Relocate livestock.

D Close all doors and windows and turn on all lights in homes, barns, and other structures.

Shut off propane tanks.

D Ensure all water source connections and locations are identified and operational.

D Move heavy equipment into non vegetated areas such as crop fields or mowed pastures.

Act early

Leave early enough to avoid being caught in the fire.

D Do not go back to open gates or evacuate animals.


Remember: During a wildland fire, responding resources may not be from the immediate area or have local knowledge. Clearly marked addresses, water supplies, and bridge load limits save valuable time. The best thing you can do is evacuate early and let firefighters do their jobs. If you choose to stay, understand that severe fire behavior could prevent firefighters from rescuing you or other members of our household.

Contact your local fire department to learn more about how you can reduce wildland fire risk and to get your own copy of the RSG! Program National Action Guide. Visit today