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Wheat Planting with Horses at Moundridge Saturday, Sept. 30


By Kathy Goering


MOUNDRIDGE, Kan. — Wheat planting means fall is here.

The second happening of the 150th celebration of the Swiss Volhynian Mennonites coming to the U.S. in 1874 is a Planting Turkey Red Wheat with Horses event just west of the Moundridge Museum on Saturday, September 30, 2023. Three teams of horses will show up to work the planting project starting at 8:30 a.m., and an old tractor will deliver the wheat to the drills. Drinks and shade will be available. The Moundridge Museum will be open to visitors, and the Farmers Market will have plenty of produce to sell.

Many more events will be leading up to the celebration August 22-25, 2024 at Eden Mennonite Church, rural Moundridge.  Planned events in this next year include a speaker with Ukraine knowledge, an historical movie about Zwingli, a genealogy workshop, and maybe even a quilt show. So, watch for more details.

Thank you to Darrell Schrag, Glen Goering, Keith Goering, Russ Stucky, and Nathan Stucky for making all the arrangements.  We all don’t have a team of horses in our backyard, so seeing those big work horses is astonishing; the kids especially find them awesome.

Come and see.