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USD 418 Proposed Budget for 2023-24


By Lucky Kidd


McPHERSON, Kan. — The proposed 2023-24 budget for McPherson USD 418 calls for a just over eight tenths of a mill increase in the property tax levy compared for 2022-23 and exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate.

The USD 418 Board of Education Monday night approved publication of the proposed budget which sets maximum net expenditures authorized at just under $53.2 million, through actual spending is usually somewhat less.

For school districts, the Revenue Neutral Rate, which is the rate that would raise the same amount of property tax dollars as the prior year, is calculated slightly differently because it does not include the statewide 20 mill levy in the RNR basis.

It does include the supplemental general, capital outlay and bond and interest levies, which as proposed would be about 1.75 mills above the designated RNR rate calculation. Hearings on the budget and exceeding the RNR will be held September 11th prior to that night’s Board meeting.

One interesting note about this budget. Supporting information contained in an accountability report showing a breakdown of expenditures by function indicated the percentage of expenditures for administration and support for USD 418 is projected to drop by one percent for this year, while instruction expenditures are projected to increase by six percent and instructional support drop by nine percent.