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Updates on Yates Center Health and Rehab Fire


“We have a long road ahead of us. But one thing this fire has made clear is that we are not alone and we will not easily be broken.”

Woodson County Emergency Management Director Johnny Atkin shared those thoughts Tuesday afternoon during a media briefing on Friday’s South Owl Fire that destroyed Yates Center Health and Rehab.

This fire was reported an hour and 18 minutes after Woodson County Firefighters had responded to a large grass fire near 200 and Deer Road in northern Woodson County. Atkin said emergency responders moved quickly when the second fire was reported. The Yates Center Fire department was immediately paged and when they arrived a minute later, staff was evacuating residents.

Arrangements were put in place for transportation under a mutual aid agreement with USD 366. A minute after that was done fire mutual aid was called from the Allen County, Chanute, Iola, Toronto and Wilson County Fire Departments, with Toronto units there within seven minutes.

Within 12 minutes of the first call all 37 residents were taken to Yates Center High School where a temporary shelter was set up. Residents were then taken to other Mission Health facilities when the decision was made to cut power in Yates Center.

Community members rapidly stepped up to help out in many ways including donation of clothing and other items to replace what was lost in the fire for patients. YCHR administrator Nichole Spelechter said they are grateful for the help their residents received. “Not only Yates Center stepped up but the towns with facilities that received residents donated as well.

As for the future, Mission Health Regional Vice President Nikki Jacobs said they do intend to rebuild but they don’t know what those plans are yet. “We are in the early stages of planning, but (the residents) are tucked in safe and sound. “Yates Center Health and Rehab staff are working at the facilities where residents were taken.

It was also confirmed during the briefing three residents were taken to area hospitals for evaluation, but no injuries to residents were reported. Monetary donations to assist residents are still being accepted. Those can be sent to the attention of administrator Nichole Spelechter Yates Center Health and Rehab, Box 265, Yates Center, KS 66783