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United Way of Central Kansas Partners with KU Med to get Participants for Kansas Health Knowledge Survey


GREAT BEND, Kan. — United Way of Central Kansas is partnering with KU Med to get a Kansas Health Knowledge Survey out into the community.

The survey is open to all Kansas residents and will only take ten minutes to fill out. You will get a $20 gift card and UWCK will get $10 for each survey collected. 

It covers topics such as general health knowledge, telehealth, environmental health, nutrition, and vaccinations. 

To take the survey, you must have consent to get the link. Email UWCK Executive Director Charell Owings at or call 620-792-2403.

She will enter your email address into the system, and you will then receive an email from “KUMC Study: Survey”. After completing the survey, you will be asked to enter basic information in order to get the gift card. The links are active for 30 days and the survey is open through March 2025.

English and Spanish options are available. 

The survey is a collaborative effort by the University of Kansas Medical Center and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.