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Three Reno County Deaths Involving Kratom in Six Months


HUTCHINSON, Kan. – The Reno County Health Department has been tracking overdoses and trends since Oct. 1 of 2021. In the last 6 months there have been 3 deaths involving Kratom in Reno County.

“Kratom” commonly refers to an herbal substance that can produce opioid-like effects. Kratom is an herbal extract that comes from the leaves of an evergreen tree (Mitragyna speciosa) grown in Southeast Asia. While Kratom and Kratom-based products are currently legal and accessible in many areas, U.S. and international agencies continue to review emerging evidence to inform Kratom policy and currently Kratom has no approved uses by the Federal Drug Administration. Kratom does affect the opioid receptors and Narcan can temporarily reverse the effects of Kratom overdose.

The Reno Recovery Collaborative recommends the following steps and strategies for our community:

  • Naloxone (Narcan) education, trainings, and availability
  • Encourage more people to carry naloxone (Narcan)
  • Encourage members of our community who use substances to never use alone
  • Check in on friends or family regularly that use substances

For more local information, education, and specific activities on substance use, or if you want to get involved in the Reno Recovery Collaborative, please contact Seth Dewey at [email protected].\


State and National Treatment Resources:

Find a treatment facility: National treatment line: 1-800-662-4357

Never Use Alone Hotline: 1-800-484-3731

Kansas Substance Use Disorder Treatment Referral line: 1-866-645-8216


Reno County Resources:

Kansas Recovery Network: Harm Reduction services and peer navigation Crossover Recovery: 620-669-9024

SACK Detox Unit: 620-259-2063

Breakthru: 620-218-0636

Recovery Response Team: 620-663-7595 Crisis Line: 1-800-794-0163

Reno ASAP Alcohol and Drug Services: 620-665-6446 Horizons Mental Health – phone: 620-663-7595

Website: PrairieStar Health Center – phone: 620-663-8484



All these resources and other support groups can be found at