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Stafford to Host Public Meeting on Downtown Historic District Survey


STAFFORD, Kan. — The City of Stafford and Stafford County Economic Development are having a public meeting at Stafford City Hall on Monday, Feb. 3 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss a historical district survey to be conducted in the downtown area of Stafford during February and March.

Economic Development and the City have received a historic survey grant of $15,000 from the Heritage Preservation Fund, which will fund a comprehensive study of an estimated 40 parents including buildings, structure sites and objects in downtown Stafford, most of which are owned by the city or the Stafford County Museum.

This area is being evaluated for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places as a potential historic District Roughly the survey will be both sides of Main street from Stafford to Camden, Stafford Street from Main to Prairie, Union Avenue between Broadway and Stafford, and the north side of West Broadway from Main to Union. 

The survey will be conducted by ECOCENE Environmental Group, with Architectural Historian and Surveyor Miranda Black doing the on-ground research starting Feb. 7.

Black, who currently lives in Oklahoma, has an extensive background in community-based preservation, artifact management and physical material restoration.

Oral and written comments will be recorded for a Citizen Participation Plan, and reasonable accommodation will be made for people with disabilities by contacting Ryan Russell at 620-314-5561 by 5 PM Friday.