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Rural Water District 101 Nitrate Level


By Reno County Kansas Government


RENO COUNTY, Kan. – (Revised from March 11, 2024) – Nitrate levels have continued to be above allowable limits in Rural Water District 101, which serves the Yoder area. On April 8, 2024, a 3-year routine state sample was collected, which included nitrates.  The level tested at 12.0 mg/L, which exceeds the Kansas and Federal (EPA) maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L for public water supply systems. The nitrate levels in water resources have increased in many areas which come from natural, industrial, or agricultural sources (including septic systems and run-off).

A test performed on August 12, 2020 resulted in a level above the maximum. Reno County received a precautionary public notice for acute nitrate violation from KDHE. A notification was then sent to the Yoder residents educating them about nitrates in drinking water. Subsequent notices were sent informing residents that bottled water will be provided, upon request, to any household with members at increased risk from the nitrates, such as infants under 6 months, nursing mothers, pregnant women, and other at-risk customers as identified by a health care provider.   

The district will continue the KDHE required quarterly samples and public notifications until this issue is resolved. We appreciate your patience.