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Public Hearing, Community Conversation Dates Set to Discuss Future of Yoder Charter School


YODER, Kan. – The future of Yoder Charter School continues to be up for discussion in the Haven USD 312 district.

After a recent study of the K-8 school’s cost per student and other data, the Haven USD 313 School Board moved to host a public hearing on proposed options. That hearing, which will include the board and district administrators, will happen on March 6th at 6 p.m. in the Haven High School auditorium.

In a letter to the school’s stakeholders, building principal Shannon Atherton announced that an Ice Cream Conversation will be held ahead of the hearing on Tuesday, February 28th at 6:30 p.m.

“We’d like to meet as a community to discuss how we effectively communicate our vision to the board of education,” Atherton said.

Ice cream sandwiches will be provided.

“If you cannot make it to the Ice Cream Conversation, please still make plans to attend the official hearing,” Atherton said. “Let’s fill the room in support of Yoder Charter School.”