HUTCHINSON, Kan. – Nominations are now open for the annual Wall of Honor award at Hutchinson High School.
A nominee has to be a Hutchinson High School graduate and have graduated at least 10 years prior to the nomination. The nominee must have attained a high level of achievement in at least one of the following areas:
• Personal and/or professional life
• Community service
• Demonstrated that education is a life-long experience
Nominees will not be discriminated on the basis of race, creed, religion, sex, nationality, disability, economic or marital status. The award may be bestowed on individuals posthumously.
Nominations are due April 14, 2023, and forms are available in the Hutchinson High School office, 1401 North Severance or online at
All nominations and questions may be sent to HHS c/o Marci Malashchuk or emailed to [email protected].
A selection committee composed will pick three alumni to add to the wall. All nomination forms will be kept on file and eligible for two years.
The three Wall of Honor alumni will be honored in a series of events surrounding the fall HHS homecoming football game. Honorees who live outside the immediate area will need to make their own travel and lodging plans. A banquet to honor the Wall of Honor inductees will be held on Thursday, September 28, 2023.
Each winner will receive a personal plaque and another plaque will be permanently mounted inside Hutchinson High School.