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McPherson County Community Foundation Presents “Big Checks” to April Grant Recipients


By the McPherson County Community Foundation


McPHERSON COUNTY, Kan. — Over the last week McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) has had plenty of chances to present ‘Big Checks’ to a few April Grant recipients. The Foundation also took the opportunity to talk with them about the importance of their upcoming projects.


Photos by McPherson County Community Foundation


This has already been posted on the MCCF Facebook Page, but just in case, we were able to stop by and take grant photos for the David J. Nutt Fund large grants cycle.

Bethany College – Anatomy Lab – $175,000

This project’s purpose is to renovate two spaces on the Bethany College campus to create a new cadaver dissection program and update space for additional teaching laboratories. 

Lindsborg Community Library – Library Construction and Remodeling  – $183,720

This project provides funding to transform the Library main entrance into a united library space with access to the expansion at 109 S. Main. There will be a video on the project as they get closer to construction later this year.

April Dream Fund Grants cycle:

Big-Brothers-700x504Kansas Big Brother Big Sisters Serving – $7,500

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is returning to McPherson County! The program had been on hiatus after budget cuts, but now returns under new leadership. Rachel Bachman, Recruiter/Development agent for BBBS, stopped by to take a picture with our ‘Big Check’.

Bachman is excited to see the program return to the county and that the grant funding from the Foundation will play a huge part in placing mentors around the county.

“It costs about $1,200 to create a match between student and mentor.” Bachman said.

Costs associated with matching mentors include a specialist coming down to interview both students, teachers, parents and potential mentors. The process also involves a background check on the potential mentors. All things done to ensure safety.

Bachman also talked about how gauging personalities is a big part of the program.

“It’s all about matching those that will create longer bonds,” Bachman said, “These mentorships are ones that we want to last.”

Bachman says that program has already started the process of making connections and the program is well underway but is still looking for potential mentorship volunteers.

“We find kids through schools and parents.” Bachman said, “It’s our preference that we add our volunteers first.”

For those wanting to reach out to Rachel Bachman they can contact her at: [email protected]

Eisenhower School PTO – Playground Equipment – $5,000

Our second stop for ‘Big Check’ pictures took us to Eisenhower Elementary school. This $5,000 grant will be going towards the installation of accessible playground equipment at the school. This equipment will be specially made to allow children who have disabilities the ability to play.

The grant was applied for by the Eisenhower Elementary PTO and the committee was able to fundraise the additional $5,000 needed to fund the equipment.

“Eisenhower Elementary PTO is excited to support the accessibility of play equipment to all EES students.” Dee Erway-Sherwood, EES PTO member, said.

While it’s not certain when construction will begin, the MCCF will keep you updated with a photo of the ribbon cutting when completed!

Marquette Inaugural Grant:

Riverview Estates – Camera Equipment – $1,000

The Marquette Foundation (Est. 2023) gave out its first grant this April. The recipient of this inaugural grant was Riverview Estates. The $1,000 dollar grant went into the replacement of the security cameras on the premises.

“The cameras needed replaced,” Shiland Williams, Riverview Estates Administrator, said, “The cameras were from the 70s and 80s, the system eventually failed.”

The new system totaled in at about $20,000, but Williams said the Marquette Foundations grant process was the easiest that she had applied to so far.

“It was by far the fastest,” Williams said.

A huge benefit for Williams and staff is that this new system provides the ability for staff to check them on their phones. Pair this with the ability to have up to 75 days of footage recorded on-site and this system is a huge upgrade.

“We were able to look back on the cameras and see that a fall was caused by shoes.” Williams said.

While the Marquette Foundation is limited currently to the singular grant, being able to have a grants process in its first year is impressive alone and there is only room to grow.