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McPherson County Community Foundation and Moundridge Foundation Releases Over $52,000 in February


McPHERSON COUNTY, Kan. — The McPherson County Community Foundation and the Moundridge Foundation have announced their grant recipients for February 2025. This cycle the Foundation released over $52,000 to organizations across the county. These distributions came from three different community funds.

McPherson County Community Foundation General Grant:

Opera Kansas – Opera Kansas presents Staggerwing at the McPherson Opera House – $5,000

Opera Kansas is committed to making opera accessible by taking performances into the community, schools, and unusual venues throughout south central Kansas. On May 27, 2025, Opera Kansas will remount its original production of “Staggerwing” the 2020 winner of the Zepick Modern Opera Competition, originally premiered in July 2021, at the McPherson Opera House.

Night to Shine – Night to Shine 2025 – $1,000

Night to Shine is a prom-like experience for individuals with special needs, founded by the Tim Tebow Foundation. The night is made for people to feel honored, special and included. There will be a dance, karaoke, dinner, a photographer, a special ride (limo, sports car, etc.), makeup and hair stylists, and more.

National Inventors Hall of Fame – Camp Invention Summer STEM Program in McPherson County – $4,500

In 2025, McPherson County teachers will lead the program at Central Christian College for the 14th year, gaining valuable professional development. The program is open to all children in the community and works to close the opportunity gaps generally experienced by underserved children. A $4,500 grant will allow as many as 17 McPherson County students with financial needs to participate.

Christ’s Kids – Infant Frenzy – $20,000

We are striving to address community needs for affordable quality childcare. Our facility was built over 10 years ago to accommodate the needs for preschool aged care, now our community has shown an immense need for infant and toddler care. Our facility currently has 2 classrooms that are not equipped to house infants/toddlers without sinks.

David J. Nutt Fund Grants

Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife Center – SVAFC Accessibility Project – $9,745

SVAFC will construct an ADA compliant restroom and renovate the front entrance for better accessibility at 114 ½ S. Main, Lindsborg, so we do not discriminate against people with disabilities and can provide creative programs and exhibitions for everyone.

Broadway RFD – Lift Up RFD – $10,000

Each year the proscenium and the ribs of the bandshell are painted as a backdrop to host the Broadway RFD production as well as the other events on the Swensson Park stage. Painting the bandshell as well as hanging lights is a safety concern. Our project would be purchasing an aerial work platform that will safely lift painters and light technicians to complete the task of hanging lights and painting the bandshell.

Moundridge Grants

Moundridge Public Library – Books on Blankets – $1,500

Books on Blankets is a program in which children from birth on up, along with families, are invited to bring a blanket to sit on, listen to a read-aloud, receive a snack, and each child can take home a free book. In an effort to reach more families in our community that otherwise would not be able to attend Book on Blankets, we will also be connecting with StepMC.

Moundridge After Prom – MHS After Prom Project – $500

The Moundridge HS After Prom Project seeks to provide Juniors and Seniors a safer alternative for our students to be after one of the biggest events of their year. By providing a fun-filled night of activities, snacks, and giveaways, students are able to come back to the HS and spend the rest of the evening and early morning with their peers.