By Lucky Kidd
McPHERSON, Kan. — The McPherson County Commission on Monday accepted a quote from United Fire Group of $15,574 for builder’s risk insurance on the County Building renovation project. Under the contract with Fuqua Construction, the County was required to provide that coverage.
As this coverage isn’t offered through the pool the county gets its property and casualty insurance through, Fuqua reached out to a number of carriers that do and obtained four quotes from two carriers. The policies have a $10,000 deductible for all-peril and wind and hail damage. Fuqua will secure the coverage, and the county will reimburse them through the capital improvement fund.
Following Monday’s meeting, Commissioners and representatives of Fuqua took park in a “wall smashing” ceremony to formally kick off the $6.7 million renovation project, on the conclusion of which most county departments now housed in the Courthouse will be relocated to the County Building on the northeast corner of Maple and Marlin.
The two departments now housed there, the County Attorney and Harvey-McPherson County Community Corrections, will be in temporary quarters for the next year or so, and after construction is complete, they will be relocated to the Courthouse along with other court operations which will also remain there. Work on the project will begin Jan. 13.
During the project County Commission and Planning and Zoning Board meetings will be moved to the Public Works Facility on West Avenue A.
After 31 years of service to McPherson County, Emergency Management and Communications Director Julie McClure will be retiring effective March 15th. McClure has been in her present position for the past 12 years, and prior to that worked in dispatch and as a secretary for the County. Following acceptance of her retirement, McPherson County Commissioners this morning authorized an internal posting for the position.
The Shop with a Sheriff event was held Saturday, and Sheriff Jerry Montagne said they were able to help 21 kids have a Christmas they might not otherwise have.
Montagne said there was a double deer hit Sunday evening where one deer took out two vehicles… After being hit by the first vehicle, the deer bounced off and then hit a second vehicle’s windshield. So far, none of the Sheriff’s vehicles have hit deer, compared to two at this point a year ago.
He also reported the Jail census as of Monday morning was at 39, with seven females being held and three for municipal courts with the remainder held on district court matters, with 13 arrests made last week.
Write off of uncollectible debt over the past year from the Health Department was approved by the McPherson County Commissioners. Just under $1,600 of this involves debt of less than $25 or having insufficient data to submit to the state set-off program, with $620 written off from the Vaccines for Children and other vaccine programs. Just over $3,200 will be sent to the set-off program, with just over $9,000 to be written off due to the statute of limitations for collections of medical debt. As far as fee collections are concerned, Shea said they are significantly ahead of expected fee revenues for this year.
Commissioners approved 26 tax abatement orders. Several of the orders related to all-terrain vehicles and trucks used for agricultural purposes, which are supposed to be exempt from property taxation. Other orders involved vehicles and personal property that have been disposed of but were still being taxed. Other abatements involved residences where property tax payments were made under protest.
Kasi Morales, executive director of McPherson Industrial Development Company, was appointed as one of the two county representatives on the board of the South Central Kansas Economic Development District board, replacing Commissioner David O’Dell who is stepping down from the board which he has been on since 1997.
In addition to accepting McClure’s retirement, Commissioners dealt with several personnel items Monday, three of which were in the sheriff’s office including hiring of a new deputy and end of introductory raises for two correctional officers. Montagne said this along with two staff members coming off leave in the next month will put them at full staff. Commissioners approved a personnel change order related to a part-time WIC nurse in the Health Department to provide more flexibility in her hours, and end of introductory raise for a public works maintenance employee.