By McPherson College
McPHERSON, Kan. — The McPherson College community recently gathered to celebrate 20 employees and trustees for their years of service with a reception, dinner, and awards program at the McPherson Community Building on March 7. The annual recognition night celebrated the work of faculty, staff, and board of trustee members who have served the college for five to 25 years.
“The outstanding achievements and accomplishments by the honorees in the classroom, within individual departments, and in the McPherson community propel the college beyond being a great college to work for,” President Michael Schneider said. “These honorees facilitated world-class experiences for our students, and it is in this deep sense of campus community where our students excel to be future leaders.”
Those honored included:
25 Years – Ken Yohn, professor of history
20 Years – Shane Kirchner, professor of education; Chris Paulsen, associate professor of technology
15 Years – Brian Martin, senior director of automotive restoration; Bonnie Wall, custodian
10 Years – Dave Auman, assistant director of facilities; Michael Dudley, associate professor of technology; Curt Goodwin, associate professor of technology; Patricia Hartshorn, registrar; Andrew Olsen, director of financial aid; Karrie Rathbone, professor of biology
5 Years – Amy Beckman, executive director, career & experiential learning; Cory Cahill, head coach, volleyball; Jeremiah Fiscus, head coach, football; Kent Freund, head coach, men’s soccer; Johnny Gilkey, building maintenance technician; Kelsy Gossett Dennis, assistant professor of photography; Abigayle Morgan, assistant director, automotive restoration; Carol Summervill, vice president for finance, chief financial officer
Board of Trustees – Dennis Houghton