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McPherson Awarded Grant for 40 New Homes


By the City of McPherson


McPHERSON, Kan. — The City of McPherson is excited to announce its successful application for an MIH-ARPA (Moderate Income Housing-American Rescue Plan Act) grant through the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation. McPherson’s successful proposal  — submitted by Twinland II, LLC — was among 20 awards announced Friday by the KHRC.

The proposed South Deerfield Homes project was awarded $1.65 million in MIH-ARPA funds for the completion of 40 new moderate-income houses over the course of the next two years.

“This is an exciting time for McPherson, which is taking major steps toward adding much-needed workforce housing,” said McPherson City Administrator Nick Gregory. “We would like to thank the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation for recognizing the needs of McPherson to continue its housing growth to keep up with continued industry expansion.”

In addition, Twinland was awarded $1.2 million in investor tax credits in the same proposal.

The project also is under consideration for an 18-year Rural Housing Incentive District (RHID), which was updated by the City of McPherson Commission in May.

“We are thrilled by the recent Kansas Housing announcement,” said Twinland co-owner Brent Paul. “Due to a collaboration between the City of McPherson and KHRC, we were awarded two different grants for the development and construction of 40 new homes in McPherson.

“We look forward to serving the community of McPherson by providing quality affordable housing,” he added. “I would like to thank all the City officials for their efforts in securing the funds needed for this project.”

The base version of the Deerfield South Homes will be approximately 1,400 square feet built on a slab with a protected safe room. These homes typically will be three bedrooms, two full bathrooms and a two-car garage designed for small to medium families. Other options, though, may be available through the developer.

The construction will extend to the south of Autumn Wood Drive.

The 20 awards in Kansas totaled just shy of $9 million in MIH-ARPA funds and just under $5.5 million in KHITCs. McPherson was the third-largest among recipients of MIH-ARPA funds in the 2023 Round 2 funding, which is one of the largest MIH funding opportunities for a single-family project.