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Hutchinson City Council Approves APAC Bid for Work on K-61


By Lucky Kidd, Ad Astra Radio


HUTCHINSON, Kan. –A bid for an upcoming project involving two segments of the Ken Kennedy Freeway (K-61) in Hutchinson was accepted Tuesday by the Hutchinson City Council.

The project involves mill and overlay of the northbound lanes of K-61 from Blanchard Street to Avenue G and the intersection of 17th and K-61, and chip sealing of northbound lanes from Avenue G to Lorraine Street and from 11th Avenue to just south of 17th Avenue.

The low bid from APAC Kansas came in at just over $1.1 million and was slightly above the engineer’s estimate. The Kansas Department of Transportation is providing $600 thousand towards the cost through its Connecting Link program.

APAC’s bid also includes the mill and overlay of 17th Avenue between Waldron Street and the Union Pacific Railroad, which is being fully funded by the city.