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Hutch High Senior Earns Full Tuition to WSU


By Hutchinson Public Schools


HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Courtney Goering, a senior at Hutchinson High School, has won the Anna Kathleen Walsh English Scholarship at Wichita State University, a full tuition award.

Goering met strict scholarship guidelines to achieve this award, including a minimum unweighted 3.5 GPA, minimum ACT composite score of 27 or SAT Composite score of 1280, or rank in the top 10% of your class at the end of junior year. Goering scored a 31 on the ACT. She competed in the Distinguished Scholarship

Invitational in November of 2023. Goering plans to major in English or Creative Writing at WSU this fall.

A lifelong Salthawk, she participated in volleyball, basketball, powerlifting, Rise Up Reno, raving writers, and orchestra.

Saying Thanks

“I definitely had a lot of people who helped me get to this point in my life. I can’t possibly name them all. Thank you, first and foremost, to my parents, Matt and Tisha Goering.”

When asked if she wanted to thank any teachers for their help along the way, she quickly rattled off many of her most admired teachers. Goering always felt supported by her English teachers, Ms. Whiteford, Ms. Herina, Ms. Smith, and Mrs. Carithers. Additionally, Goering felt her History teachers were always good at promoting her creativity. She name-dropped Mr. Malaschuck, Ms. Yantis, and Ms. Burden. Mrs. Morris, HHS Counselor, assisted with scholarship applications.

Before winning this scholarship, Goering was considering other career options including a possible career in electrician. Through Mr. Beck’s carpentry class, Goering discovered she enjoyed the building trades. She says she will enjoy writing and keeping carpentry as a hobby.

Goering is excited about attending Wichita State University in the fall, the first Shocker in her family, but she is sad she didn’t get to keep the giant cardboard check.

Watch Courtney’s surprise visit to Wichita State- complete with confetti canons and a giant cardboard check here.