GREAT BEND, Kan. – The Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education Monday approved a new policy for cell phones in all district buildings, and in particular, Great Bend High School.
“Plain and simple, the phone is not supposed to be out during class,” Superintendent Khris Thexton said.
At the high school, electronic communication devices may be used during passing periods and/or lunch, but not in the classroom. First-time offenders at the high school will be issued a warning. Additional offenses can lead to after-school detention.
For students in the middle school and elementary buildings, devices are to remain off and be kept out of sight. “Put your cell phone away,” Thexton said.
A first offense may include confiscation. Repeat middle school offenders may receive an office detention and/or in-school suspension.
Thexton said it will be up to the principals to let students and teachers know the rules and to enforce them fairly.