McPHERSON, Kan. — A contract with Great Bend artist Melanie Ryan to do work on two of the downtown McPherson Murals was approved by the City Commission Tuesday. This work includes restoration and repair of the Maxwell Wildlife mural at Main and Sutherland and repair and sealing of the Central Christian College mural at Main and Euclid.
The original artists of those murals, Matthew Richter and Naomi Ullem, gave Ryan permission to do this work. Ryan previously did a restoration project on the McPherson College mural, one of six in the downtown area.
Also at the City of McPherson Commission Meeting on July 25, two change orders were approved. One of which was on this year’s mill and overlay project, and involved additional patching that was needed on North High Drive which added $63,000 to that contract.
The other change order is for the South Walnut reconstruction, and involved an additional five foot concrete tie-in to satisfactorily connect to the parking lot of the Free Methodist Church which was in very bad condition. That will add $9.240 to the project and three additional work days.
Commissioners also authorized purchase of additional permanent and temporary easements for the Wastewater Lift Station 3 replacement project.
The Commission accepted bids for street construction and sanitary sewer extensions for the Veranda West Subdivision off Northview Road. The contracts with Andale Construction for the street and sewer work and inspection services by Earles Engineering were privately negotiated by the project developer, Hoover Enterprises, which has paid upfront just over $310,000 as part of the developer’s agreement, with the total cost of the contracts coming to a little over $571,000.
Dirt work on those projects is expected to start in about three weeks.
Approval was given to purchase of new security cameras at the Community Building, The just over $5,100 purchase from Reach Solutions will include cameras in the area of the two statues outside the building as well as on the east and west sides along with two interior cameras for the lobby and gymnasium areas.
Commissioners approved a quote from Walton’s Tree Service to remove three trees and stumps at the Challenger Park pickleball court site for just under $2,700. Walton had the lower of two bids received.
The Commission agreed to allow ReUse It Center to access the house at 1705 North Main which is on the property the city recently purchased for the new north side fire station. The house had numerous household items and other stuff inside of it, and they will be going through it to remove those items along with scrapping any metal on the property and abatement of any environmental conditions present.