Governor Kelly issued a verbal state of disaster emergency proclamation at 8 a.m. Sunday due to winter weather that is forecasted to impact the state starting Monday, Feb. 10. This declaration allows resources to be used to provide state assistance, specifically the waiver of hours of service for propane providers.
Two rounds of snow are expected next week, with one Monday into Tuesday and another Wednesday into Thursday.
“Kansans have faced challenges due to winter storms this year,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The key to meeting those challenges is to be prepared. As I did during past storms, I urge all Kansans to take measures to make sure their families are ready by making a home emergency kit and emergency plan.”
A home emergency kit should include a battery-operated radio, flashlight and extra batteries, extra blankets and warm clothing, nonperishable food, high-energy snacks, and drinking water, at least one gallon per person per day, for a minimum of three days. For more information on emergency kits, go online to
It is also advisable to keep an emergency supply kit in your car that also includes jumper cables, flares or reflective triangle, ice scraper, car cell phone charger, blanket, map, and cat litter or sand (for better tire traction).
Avoid travel if you can. If you do travel, make sure someone knows your travel plans and that your vehicle has a full tank of gas during extreme cold situations so that you can stay warm if you become stranded. Ensure your mobile phone is charged, and make sure your car’s emergency kit is up to date. Whether at home or on the road, listen to your local radio and television stations for the latest weather information.
For continuously updated road information, go to and click on the Road Condition map. Other construction information, camera views, weather websites and travel details are also available. You can also call 511 – for Kansas road condition information from anywhere in the U.S., call 1-866-511-KDOT (5368).
The Kansas Division of Emergency Management will be monitoring the situation and will assist counties and local responders if requested.