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County Matching Event Raises $535,000 for Local Organizations


McPHERSON, Kan. — The McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) has announced the final totals for its Match Week event. From March 3-7, over $535,000 was raised, including matching funds, to help build the endowments of more than 50 county nonprofits. In 2024, the event raised a total of $610,000.

The final total before match came to $425,615.86.

“What our communities have done for these organizations this year is remarkable,” said Becky Goss, president and CEO of MCCF. “This shows that the citizens of McPherson County are committed to the future. We’re proving that we’re dedicated to ensuring these organizations and programs will be here for our children and grandchildren.”

Since its inception in 2014, the event has raised more than $3 million. The shift from a one-day event to a full week came after the record-breaking success in 2021. The Foundation determined that more time allowed organizations greater opportunity to raise funds.

The matching total for this year’s event was $110,000, provided through the Community ‘Dream’ Fund and the Gaeddert Family Fund.

Matching funds are distributed to organizations on a proportional basis. For example, if an organization receives 10% of the total donations, it will receive $11,000 to use for immediate needs. Organizations can receive up to 20% of the total matching funds.

A list of organizations and their totals will be released at a later date and can be found on the Foundation’s website: