McPHERSON COUNTY, Kan. — McPherson County Commissioners have imposed a temporary moratorium on race tracks in the unincorporated areas of McPherson County.
Planning, Zoning and Environmental Administrator Jon Kinsey said the Planning Board is currently reviewing those regulations to address a number of issues. Currently race tracks are considered a special use but there are other issues to be looked at, including camper parking, and issues with trash, noise and traffic among other things. The moratorium goes into effect upon publication in the official county newspaper, and as of now is to run for 12 months, but it could be extended or shortened as regulations are developed.
The Commission accepted a proposed consensual annexation by the City of Galva. This involves the city’s industrial park south of US 56 and west of 21st Avenue along Industrial Drive and the south side of US 56.
A number of personnel matters for the Public Works Department were approved by Commissioners. Public Works Director Dave Bohnenblust was given permission to advertise a re-defined project/design engineer position to replace design engineer Jon Adamyk who retired at the end of January. The county is continuing to seek a licensed surveyor, for which they have received no applications.
Approval was given for hiring two engineering techs and revised job descriptions, who are taking on more responsibilities due to inability to hire a licensed project engineer and a licensed surveyor. Bohnenblust said it’s important to have employees in tech positions to receive training prior to current employees retiring.
It also approved creation of a new Road Maintenance Foreman position, that would take on some of the duties now handled by the Road Superintendent who currently oversees all 28 maintenance employees along with all aspects of county road and bridge maintenance along with traffic signage.
Various repair work for Public Works equipment was approved. This involves rebuilding of engines on a 1998 brine truck and a 1998 semi, both of which have coolant leak issues with a combined cost of just over $23,000 that could increase if a cylinder head were to be needed and replacing a lift bed cylinder on a dump truck at a cost of just over $4,200 plus shipping. Commissioners approved two bids involving replacement of the east and west automatic doors at the Courthouse. The actual door replacement will be done by Glass Services Inc. of Salina, a firm that’s done work for the county in the past, with the electrical work to be done by Hammeke Electric of Great Bend with a combined price not to exceed just over $13,300.
The Commission also approved a local program agreement with the Kansas Department of Transportation connected with a Safe Streets and Roads grant.