By Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife Center
LINDSBORG, Kan. — Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife, at 114 ½ South Main Street, will display artwork from its Art Bag Challenge and conduct a silent auction of the works beginning November 11 through November 18. It will host a reception on November 18 from 5-7 p.m. to take final bids and announce winning bids.
Art Bag Challenge participants purchased totes that included art supplies to create an 8×8 canvas masterpiece. All ages of artists are included in the challenge with art bags for grades K-5, 6-8, and ages 18 and older. Participants will return their completed pieces to SVAFC by November 4. All funds raised through the Art Bag Challenge will go toward the purchase of the SVAFC building.
Several local businesses including, The Good Merchants, Farmers State Bank, The Bank of Tescott, The People’s Bank, First Bank of Kansas, and Drom Sott helped to sponsor the Art Bag Challenge.
Stop by SVAFC to see the creative and diverse works created by local and area artists, all working with the same materials. And, then make a bid on your favorite and support SVAFC.
The Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife Center is open 1-5 p.m. Friday through Sunday and is supported by the KCAIC, NEA, and the Raymer Society.