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KHP 2024-06 FY24 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Call for Applications


By the Kansas Highway Patrol


KANSAS — The Kansas Highway Patrol, as the State Administrative Agency (SAA) for the Nonprofit Security Grant Programs (NSGP) announces a “call for applications” to the FY2024 State NSGP funding opportunity.

This funding opportunity is for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities for nonprofit organizations at high risk of a terrorist attack. It also seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations with broader state and local preparedness efforts, such as enhancing the protection of crowded areas.

The FY2024 target allocation for the state of Kansas is $1,852,500. As always, this will be a very competitive process. Each organization can request up to $150,000 per facility, with up to three facilities for a maximum of $450,000. If submitting for multiple facilities, each facility must fill out its own Investment Justification (IJ). Training and application resources can be found at to help your organization achieve the best score possible.

Applications for the 2024 NSGP must be submitted through the Astra System at Additional functions include:

  1. Subscribe for NSGP announcements. Stay informed about the application process. Everyone should subscribe.
  2. Register as a user. If you are interested in applying for the FY2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program and have not yet registered as an Astra user, register here:

The Kansas City region has once again been selected as part of the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). Nonprofits from the counties Leavenworth, Wyandotte, and Johnson need to apply for the NSGP through the Missouri Office of Homeland Security at

For more information on the Nonprofit Security Grant Program and reference materials, please go to