Ad Astra Radio Family Brands

Viewing of the Solar Eclipse at the Cosmosphere


By Lucky Kidd


The crowd at the Cosmosphere during the peak of the eclipse at 1:48 PM. (Photos by Lucky Kidd)

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — A big crowd gathered at the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson Monday to view the solar eclipse, which had an 87 percent coverage of the sun locally.

Sherry Treece with the Cosmosphere told Ad Astra news early on during their event they were thrilled with the turnout, with between 400 and 500 people on hand during the first hour of their three-hour viewing party. To get ready for the viewing the Cosmosphere prepared a special Planetarium show dealing with eclipses.

People of all ages, including school groups and families of all ages came to the event. Nicole Huber had her family there. She told Ad Astra News, “I think it’s really neat the community is putting something like this on,” saying it was a cool event you can bring your family to.

Patty Kerr also took note of the atmosphere, saying, “It’s nice to do it here in an appropriate setting at the Cosmosphere.”

The special viewing glasses were in short supply, but a lot of people were sharing glasses around so everyone could get a look. Cosmosphere volunteers also had a special viewer people were able to look at along with a telescope people could watch as the moon passed over the sun.

The next time the US will see a total eclipse of the sun will be in August 2045, and the area of totality that time will include part of South Central Kansas with Pratt in the middle of it. 

A group of people with a Cosmosphere volunteer as the eclipse was starting. 
Viewers looked at the eclipse through a telescope in the Cosmosphere parking lot.
A group of people sitting along the north fence of the lot south of the Cosmosphere waiting for the peak.